Corporate Social Responsibility

Making a positive social impact

Being an integral part of society we cannot disintegrate from issues those affect our society and its existence. Corporate Social responsibility (CSR) is continuing commitment by businesses to integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations. Changes in the global environment increasingly challenge business around the world to look beyond financial performance, and to integrate social and environmental concerns into their strategic management.

Prior to August 2013 when the CSR act came into effect it has been a philanthropic activity. And in keeping with the Indian tradition, it was believed that every company has a moral responsibility to play an active role in discharging the social obligations, subject to the financial health of the company.

In Travel Experiences Journey, we have a Corporate social responsibility committee which formulate, regulate and supervise the recommendation and implementation of CSR policy in spirit and letter. We want that the value of CSR be felt at all the levels, within or outside the organization and it should be the part or our corporate Culture. We stress on social consciousness, Environmental awareness, cultural sensitivity and religious tolerance.

We have undertaken following activities under our CSR policies:

  • Serve the Needy: We have affiliation with some Non government organization and care center for Orphans, elderly and differently abled persons. We plan to provide food, clothes, medicine and other basic useful things from time to time. We follow the strict guidelines and take utmost care of child protection policies. We ensure that our helps reach to right hand and must not be misused.
  • Promote Education: Education is the most important tool to empower the marginalized section of society. It empowers the person and allows them to live the
  • life of dignity. We have chosen few schools and ashrams in the rural hinterland in the state of Rajasthan and support the poor children with books, stationary items, and some financial assistance from time to time.
  • Caring Environment: We understand our responsibility towards a more sustainable world as we think our coming generation has all the rights to enjoy the beauty and majesty of the planet. We intend to make our office a no plastic zone. Usages of metal water bottles carry bag and folders made of clothes or other biodegradable products are some of the initiatives taken by us. We are also inching towards making our office paperless. We also contribute towards our mother nature by planting more and more saplings by tourists.
  • Protection of National Heritage, art and culture: This is an essential ingredient of responsible tourism. Behaving sensibly to protect or national heritage, art and culture is very important for us and all the other stakeholders of the tourism including tourist. We guide our guests to maintain the basic decorum and honour the sentiments of the locals and their art and culture. Clients take them in positive spirit and encourage them by active participations. It is our responsibility to protect our monuments and discourage the visitors from littering the place or defacing them or disturbing the flora and fauna of the surrounding place.
  • Rural Upliftment: Rural tourism is at the core of our profession. We work on the philosophy that a visit to India is incomplete without visiting its villages. We encourage the tourists to participate in the activities in the villages. Hosting lunch at a local house in village, visit to local school, market, pottery making and village’s artisans are the activities that are there for the clients to enjoy. Tourism has really improved the living standard of the rural India.
  • Engaging Locals: Hospitality industry is playing a major role by engaging locals in the tourist. It is an enormous source of employment to the local and also help in understanding the value of tourism at grass room level. Our organization is fully engaged in such activities. The engagement of locals in tourism enhances the well-being of host communities with improved working conditions. Local connections also help our guests to understand cultural, social, and environmental issues of the area and thus provide better and more enjoyable experience.